Original Laraaji All Things Beautiful Mug

 Finally, I had electronic evidence in almost all of my cases, directly recorded or indirectly over a transmitter/receiver, or (usually) both. Neither I, nor anyone I ever worked with falsified or fiddled with one of these recordings. We generally recorded the Original Laraaji All Things Beautiful Mug In addition,I will do this deals on a Nagra tape recorder nagra recorder – Google Search : (also known as a “brick,” because it was about as big and heavy) before everything went digital. Nobody I knew had the technical ability to screw with one of those tapes and even less to mess with a digital one. And I’ve been to tech school, where they didn’t teach us anything about altering evidence. Second, my first job after the evidence was booked was to make two or three copies of the tape on regular cassettes. Then the original was sealed up in evidence and the transcripts made from one of the copies. Fudging the recording would be so stupid, not to mention difficult, impractical, and easily detected. In probably 20–30 percent of the cases a copy was sent to the forensic lab for enhancement. Those people could tell if somebody had been screwing around with a recording. Yeah, I’m calling BS on that one.

Original Laraaji All Things Beautiful Mug

If someone in plainclothes asks for your identification or anything else in the Original Laraaji All Things Beautiful Mug In addition,I will do this way a police officer would, you are wise to ask to see both their badge and police identification card. The badge should indicate the officer’s agency and possibly his rank; the ID card should have the agency name, the officer’s name and photo, and possibly a badge or other identifying number (designs of ID cards vary considerably). Take as much time as you need to satisfy yourself that the person described on the ID card is the one standing in front of you. I was once detaining a prisoner in court for a U.S. Immigration agent. When the agent appeared (in plainclothes, as they did not wear uniforms), I asked to see his ID. He gave me the standard fed “cred case” with his badge and credentials. I read the cards, told him, “Looks good to me,” and took him to the prisoner. I noticed him smiling a little. I asked, “Think I’m being over-cautious?” He replied, “Not at all. You’re just the first person in 12 years who has ever done that.”

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