Funny Metallica M72 World Tour Hamburg Germany May 28 2023 Mug
“..simply by dressing in women’s clothing…” A man who wears womens clothing is either a tranvestite or drag Queen, or both. But they are not necessarily transgender. It’s far more complicated than just wearing clothing of one gender or another. Take me. Today, as yesterday, I will wear wellington boots, jeans, T-shirt, hoodie, waterproof coat. Colour unimportant. Am I wearing womens clothes or mens? Well, simply they are womens clothes because I own them as a woman. I live in the Funny Metallica M72 World Tour Hamburg Germany May 28 2023 Mug so you should to go to store and get this wild Outer Hebrides so such attire is a necessity when the Atlantic storms roll in. But I am a woman, therefore why am I not crossdressing when the clothes I described are traditionally seen as male? Because clothes do not make you one gender or another. I love wearing feminine clothes, it’s just that it’s cold here so I dress for the climate!
A transvestite doesn’t look at life the Funny Metallica M72 World Tour Hamburg Germany May 28 2023 Mug so you should to go to store and get this same way. They often have the need to wear the clothes, but enjoy the sensation with a typical male release sexually. That’s why they do it, for the thrill often, some say it relaxes them, some describe being more gentle for the time they are dressed etc, but all happily return to a suit and tie the next day and are often married men. Funny old world. Drag Queens are more complicated. Most do it as a means to earn money, often their kicks come from audience adoration and some get the same transvestite thrill as above.
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